Monica Botkier Replica Tote bags
Botkier tote bags are the most practical handbags and they are made perfect for office and shopping. Maddie tote is made of lambskin and its size is 16 x 16 inches. It is available in gorgeous snake imitation leather, but the black version of Botkier Maddie tote is really attractive as the black leather brings out the wonderful studded details. It is simple and fabulous with its clean lines and perfect fit design.
Botkier Rio tote is more conventional and classic type of tote bag and it is offered in three shades this season - deep cognac shade of brown, classy black and beautiful silver shade. This is one true carry everything with you handbag and it is also perfect for office and carrying documents along, as well as great for a party with girlfriends downtown.
Also Noa tote and James totes are offered in few saturated shades and there are more Botkier handbags to choose, if you are interested in buying Botkier handbag online.
If the tote is the right type of handbag for you - you might also look at the more expensive designer stores -
Michael Kors is known to have wonderful selection of the totes. The more classic choice as always is Chanel. If you can afford it you can go for this brand, but do not look for Chanel bags for sale as you will not find it. This will be the full price deal always.
Read more on Monica Botkier and authentic Botkier handbags